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PFB Bijeljina

The Faculty of Teacher Education in Bijeljina was formed by Decision of the National Assembly of the RS No. 02-891 / 93. of 21 July 1993, which is governed by Art. 143 of the Law on the University (“Official Gazette of the Republic of Srpska” No. 12/93), and began its work on November 29, 1993, receiving the first generation of full-time students in the 1993/1994 school year. (The Commission approved the fulfillment of the conditions for the commencement of work on the basis of which Decision No. UP-1-02-989-3 / 93 of 15 November 1993 was issued).

The Faculty of Teacher Education in Bijeljina was formed as an expression of the need to prepare staff in the field of education, that is, to prepare teachers for teaching in the younger grades of primary school. The studies at the faculty in the Department of Class Teaching lasted 4 years.

Organizationally, this faculty belonged to the University of Srpsko Sarajevo. As this was a newly formed faculty, which did not have its premises, furniture or any equipment, the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture and the Bijeljina Municipal Assembly decided that the Faculty should be located in the building (annex) of "Sveti Sava" Primary School. The furnishing of the faculty with furniture and equipment was rather slow, but with the help of the Ministry, the Municipality of Bijeljina and donors, basic furniture, equipment and a part of teaching aids were purchased. The building that the faculty received for use included: 5 classrooms, a library with a reading room, offices for the dean, student service and accounting, cabinets for professors and teaching assistants, a restaurant, an office for the Student Union on a total area of about 940 square meters. For the practical part of physical education classes the hall and sports grounds of "Sveti Sava" primary school which are located in the same yard, were used. Along with solving the spatial and material conditions for the beginning of its work, the Curriculum was prepared, the first professors were received, the first Council was formed and the Faculty Statute was adopted.


In 1994, the Faculty started working with 5 full-time professors and 2 teaching assistants.

During 2002/2003 school year the Faculty of Teacher Education was transformed into the Faculty of Education. The need for transformation arose from the intention of the Faculty of Teacher Education to educate staff for work in pre-school institutions and for the activity in primary education, while achieving the maximum rationality of organization of studies at the faculty and forging a natural link between pre-school and primary education which until then in our system was not existing.

The faculty has become a member of the integrated university since September 2007. Since the 2007/2008 school year students work according to the Curriculum written in accordance with the requirements prescribed by the Bologna process: one-semester exams, colloquiums have been introduced results in fulfilling obligations and mastering the material are presented in ECTS credits, etc.

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