Dear Friends and Colleagues,
on behalf of the host, the Faculty of Education, University of East Sarajevo, co-organizers and Conference Organizing Committee, I am very pleased to announce the forthcoming 14th Scientific Meeting with International Participation "Science and Teaching Today" to be held in Bijeljina, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 20-21 September 2024.
It is planned that the Faculty of Education, in cooperation with the partners and sponsors of this year's scientific conference, will host eminent scientists from our country, region, Europe and the world.
The conference is focused on the topics from all scientific fields and includes invited speakers, seminars and workshops, oral presentations and poster presentations in the fields of medical sciences, social sciences, natural sciences, humanities, technical sciences, arts, as well as current politics and practice related to contemporary perspectives on science and teaching today.
We believe that the topics provide conference participants with an opportunity for a quality discussion of the latest theoretical and empirical research in science and teaching today.
We look forward to seeing you in the fall of 2024, in Bijeljina.
bstracts are restricted to 250 words (without title, authors and institutions) and must include the following separate sections:
Without any tables or graph. Please minimize the use of abbreviations as much as possible and do not cite references in the abstract. All content of the abstract is in the sole responsibility of the autohor(s) of the abstract.
All accepted and presented abstracts (oral or poster will be published in Proceedings of the Faculty of Education, preconditioned the first author has paid registration fee by the 15th of September 2023 (An author may submit only one abstract as the first author and one abstracts as the co-author).
Conference President
Dalibor Stević
Chairs of the scientific committee
Nebojša Mitrović
Members of the scientific committee
Ivan Čarota, Sreto Tanasić, Goran Maksimović, Zsolt Lavicza, Ferenc Ihász, Eötvös Lóránd, Josip Lepeš, Sanja Bošković Danojlić, Pia Brinzeu, Ana Cepkova, Slagjana Jakimovik, Danko Mandić, Mara Cotič, Jurka Lepičnik Vodopivec, Vlado Simeunović, Milenko Ćurčić, Igor Lakić, Mitar Novaković, Panajotis Asimopulos, Dragan Cvejić, Dragan Branković, Željko Rajković
Members of the organizing committee
Dalibor Stević, Nebojša Mitrović, Dragana Radivojević, Olivera Petrović, Mirjana Despotović, Lidija Jovičić, Slađana Miljenović, LJubo Škiljević, Vesna Todorović, Sanja Milić
Chair of the organizing committee
Dalibor Stević
Is located in the northeast of Republika Srpska (Bosnia and Herzegovina) at 90m above sea level. After Banja Luka, it is the second largest town in the Republlic of Srpska and the fifth largest in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is located in the Semberia Plain and represents the crossroads for Serbia, Croatia and the interior of Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is considered the unofficial center of the eastern part of the Republic of Srpska with a population of about 45,000.
Тринаести научни скуп са међународним учешћем “Наука и настава данас”, у организацији Педагошког факултета Универзитета у Источном Сарајеву, свечано је отворен данас у Бијељини и окупио је 172 учесника из 11 земаља са 99 радова.